Level of Care

Hourly Care

Our most flexible option

Together with your family member or, you determine the time of day, the frequency, and duration of each care visit to maximize the benefit to you or your loved one.

Many clients start out with care a few times per week and increase as their needs increase.  Others need a lot of care to start and as they get better, they are able to selectively cut back.

Any Day(s) of the Week-From 1 to 7 days per week.-You choose only what you need.

Any Location for Care-Home, hospital, hotel, skilled nursing. We provide care wherever you need it.

Any Type of Assistance-Personal care, meals, transportation, medication reminders, etc.

Live-In & Daily Care

The Alternative to Assisted Living

 90% of seniors prefer to age in the comfort of their own home. Daily and live-in care from Aging Kingdom Homecare makes those wishes possible with one-on-one care. Your loved one gets the benefit of care during the most important times of morning, mid-day, and evening. Our reliable caregivers remain in the home throughout the day for the safety and confidence of your loved one.  Caregivers prepare meals, provide companionship throughout the day, and support exercise. 24-Hour Availability

Morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening and overnight. Get the help you need throughout the day when you need it.

Any Day(s) of the Week-From 1 to 7 days per week.-You choose only what you need.

Consistency of Care

Clients are able to develop strong relationships with their caregivers, making for the best quality of life possible.

Studies prove longevity is considerably longer for 90% of those that remain at home.

Quality of Life

A personalized care plan ensures more meaningful daily living filled with hobbies, friends, companionship, and much more.

Overnight Care

Relief When You Need it Most

Are you providing care for a loved one 24×7? Assisting them throughout the day and up several times at night? When you need to get a good night’s sleep and your loved one needs care overnight, Aging Kingdom is there to help. Our caregivers can help with getting your loved one prepared and into bed safely, be available overnight as needed, and then assist with their morning routine to get the day started.

Respite for You. Get sleep at night so that you can provide better care during the day.

Comfort & Safety-Prevent falls at night by getting them the assistance they need throughout the night.

Less Expensive Alternative-Overnight care is less expensive than “awake & alert” hourly care.

Tuck-In & Wake Up Assistance~Get assistance preparing for sleep, during the night, and getting up in the morning.

Other Care Services

Relief When You Need it Most

WE customize care plans individually for your loved ones to provide the BEST possible care fitting their needs!

Transportation & Errands

Companion and Recreation

Light Housekeeping & Domestic Duties

Hospice Care

Memory Loss Care

Contact Us

Hours: Available 24/7

Aging Kingdom is proud to be licensed, insured, and bonded. 

Serving our community since 2019.

 "Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Matthew 20:28

Proud to work with the VetAssist program